Zuul Project Governance

The governance of the Zuul project is described below. Changes to this page should remain open for a week and require more positive than negative Code-Review votes from the Maintainers before merging. They should only be approved by the Project Lead.

Zuul Maintainers

The Zuul project is self-governed.

Decisions regarding the project are made by the Zuul Maintainers. They are a team of people who are familiar with the project as a whole and act as stewards of the project. They have the right to approve or reject proposed changes to the codebase, as well as make other decisions regarding the project.

The Maintainers are expected to be familiar with the source code, design, operation, and usage of all parts of the Zuul project. When acting in their capacity as Maintainers, they are expected to consider not only their own needs, but those of the entire community.

Changes to the code, documentation, website, and other project resources held in version control repositories are reviewed and approved by the Maintainers. In general, approval is sought from at least two maintainers before merging a change, but fewer or more reviews may be warranted depending on the change. Factors to consider when reviewing are the complexity of the change, whether it is in accordance with the project design, and whether additional project participants with subject matter expertise should review the change. Maintainers may also reject changes outright, but this is expected to be used sparingly in favor of (or in the process of) redirecting effort toward efforts which can achieve consensus.

The purpose of this review process is two-fold: first, to ensure that changes to the project meet sufficiently high standards so that they improve the project, contribute to furthering its goals, and do not introduce regressive behavior or make the project more difficult to support in the future. Secondly, and just as important, the process also ensures that contributors are aware of the changes to the project. In a distributed environment, reviews are an important part of our collaborative process.

Project decisions other than those involving on-line review are discussed on the project mailing list. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in these discussions so that input from the broader community is received. As the authority, Maintainers should strive to achieve consensus on any such decisions.

Changes to the membership of the Maintainers are decided by consensus of the existing maintainers, however, due to their sensitivity, these discussions should occur via private communication among the maintainers under the direction of the Project Lead.

A large group of Maintainers is important for the health of the project, therefore contributors are encouraged to become involved in all facets of maintenance of the project as part of the process of becoming a Maintainer. Existing Maintainers are expected to encourage new members. There are no artificial limits of the number of Maintainers. The Project Lead will assist any contributor who wishes for guidance in becoming a Maintainer.

Current Zuul Maintainers:


Matrix ID

Clark Boylan

Clark (@clarkb:matrix.org)

Felix Edel

felixedel (@felixedel:matrix.org)

Ian Wienand

ianw (@iwienand:matrix.org)

James E. Blair

corvus (@jim:acmegating.com)

Jens Harbott

Jeremy Stanley

fungi (@fungicide:matrix.org)

Monty Taylor

mordred (@mordred:inaugust.com)

Simon Westphahl

swest (@westphahl:matrix.org)

Tobias Henkel

tobiash (@tobias.henkel:matrix.org)

Tristan Cacqueray

tristanC (@tristanc_:matrix.org)

Zuul Project Lead

The Maintainers elect a Project Lead to articulate the overall direction of the project and promote consistency among the different areas and aspects of the project. The Project Lead does not have extra rights beyond those of the Maintainers, but does have extra responsibilities. The Project Lead must pay particular attention to the overall design and direction of the project, ensure that Maintainers and other contributors are familiar with that design, and facilitate achieving consensus on difficult issues.

If the project is unable to achieve consensus on an issue, the Project Lead may poll the Maintainers on the issue, and in the case of a tie, the vote of the Project Lead will be the tie-breaker.

The Project Lead is elected to a term of one year. The election process shall be a Condorcet election and the candidates shall be self-nominated from among the existing Maintainers.

The Project Lead is James E. Blair (term expires 2026-01-14).

Zuul-Jobs Maintainers

The zuul-jobs and zuul-base-jobs repositories contain a standard library of reusable job components which are designed to be used in a wide variety of situations.

Changes to these repositories require consideriation of the various environments in which the jobs may be used as well as policies which promote the consistency and stability of the components therein, but not necessarily the full scope of Zuul development. To that end, approval rights for changes to these repositories are granted to both the Zuul Maintainers and an additional group known as the Zuul-Jobs Maintainers. The reviewing processes are identical to the rest of the project; membership changes to the Zuul-Jobs Maintainers group are undertaken with consensus of the wider Zuul-Jobs group (not merely the Zuul Maintainers).

Current Zuul-Jobs Maintainers (in addition to Zuul Maintainers):


Matrix ID

Andreas Jaeger

Mohammed Naser

Albin Vass

avass (@avass:vassast.org)