Configuring Google Authentication

This document explains how to configure Zuul in order to enable authentication with Google.


  • The Zuul instance must be able to query Google’s OAUTH API servers. This simply generally means that the Zuul instance must be able to send and receive HTTPS data to and from the Internet.

  • You must set up a project in Google’s developers console.

Setting up credentials with Google

In the developers console, choose your project and click APIs & Services.

Choose Credentials in the menu on the left, then click Create Credentials.

Choose Create OAuth client ID. You might need to configure a consent screen first.

Create OAuth client ID

Choose Web application as Application Type.

In Authorized JavaScript Origins, add the base URL of Zuul’s Web UI. For example, if you are running a yarn development server on your computer, it would be http://localhost:3000 .

In Authorized redirect URIs, write down the base URL of Zuul’s Web UI followed by “/t/<tenant>/auth_callback”, for each tenant on which you want to enable authentication. For example, if you are running a yarn development server on your computer and want to set up authentication for tenant “local”, write http://localhost:3000/t/local/auth_callback .

Click Save. Google will generate a Client ID and a Client secret for your new credentials; we will only need the Client ID for the rest of this How-To.

Configure Zuul

Edit the /etc/zuul/zuul.conf to add the google authenticator:

[auth google_auth]
client_id=<your Google Client ID>

Restart Zuul services (scheduler, web).

Head to your tenant’s status page. If all went well, you should see a “Sign in” button in the upper right corner of the page. Congratulations!

Further Reading

This How-To is based on Google’s documentation on their implementation of OpenID Connect.