.. _pragma: Pragma ====== The `pragma` item does not behave like the others. It can not be included or excluded from configuration loading by the administrator, and does not form part of the final configuration itself. It is used to alter how the configuration is processed while loading. A pragma item only affects the current file. The same file in another branch of the same project will not be affected, nor any other files or any other projects. The effect is global within that file -- pragma directives may not be set and then unset within the same file. .. code-block:: yaml - pragma: implied-branch-matchers: False .. attr:: pragma The pragma item currently supports the following attributes: .. attr:: implied-branch-matchers This is a boolean, which, if set, may be used to enable (``true``) or disable (``false``) the addition of implied branch matchers to job and project-template definitions. Normally Zuul decides whether to add these based on heuristics described in :attr:`job.branches`. This attribute overrides that behavior. This can be useful if a project has multiple branches, yet the jobs defined in the default branch should apply to all branches. The behavior may also be configured by a Zuul administrator using :attr:`tenant.untrusted-projects..implied-branch-matchers`. This pragma overrides that setting if both are present. Note that if a job contains an explicit branch matcher, it will be used regardless of the value supplied here. .. attr:: implied-branches This is a list of :ref:`regular expressions `, just as :attr:`job.branches`, which may be used to supply the value of the implied branch matcher for all jobs and project-templates in a file. This may be useful if two projects share jobs but have dissimilar branch names. If, for example, two projects have stable maintenance branches with dissimilar names, but both should use the same job variants, this directive may be used to indicate that all of the jobs defined in the stable branch of the first project may also be used for the stable branch of the other. For example: .. code-block:: yaml - pragma: implied-branches: - stable/foo - stable/bar The above code, when added to the ``stable/foo`` branch of a project would indicate that the job variants described in that file should not only be used for changes to ``stable/foo``, but also on changes to ``stable/bar``, which may be in another project. Note that if a job contains an explicit branch matcher, it will be used regardless of the value supplied here. If this is used in a branch, it should include that branch name or changes on that branch may be ignored. Note also that the presence of `implied-branches` does not automatically set `implied-branch-matchers`. Zuul will still decide if implied branch matchers are warranted at all, using the heuristics described in :attr:`job.branches`, and only use the value supplied here if that is the case. If you want to declare specific implied branches on, for example, a :term:`config-project` project (which normally would not use implied branches), you must set `implied-branch-matchers` as well.