:orphan: Nodepool - Static ================= The static driver allows you to use existing compute resources, such as real hardware or long-lived virtual machines, with nodepool. Node Requirements ----------------- Any nodes you setup for nodepool (either real or virtual) must meet the following requirements: * Must be reachable by Zuul executors and have SSH access enabled. * Must have a user that Zuul can use for SSH. * Must have an Ansible supported Python installed * Must be reachable by Zuul executors over TCP port 19885 for console log streaming. See :ref:`nodepool_console_streaming` When setting up your nodepool.yaml file, you will need the host keys for each node for the ``host-key`` value. This can be obtained with the command: .. code-block:: shell ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 Nodepool Configuration ---------------------- Below is a sample Nodepool configuration file that sets up static nodes. Place this file in ``/etc/nodepool/nodepool.yaml``: .. code-block:: shell sudo bash -c "cat > /etc/nodepool/nodepool.yaml <--.log``. By default, it will clean these files up automatically. Occasionally, a streaming file may be left if a job is interrupted. These may be safely removed after a short period of inactivity with a command such as .. code-block:: shell find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -name 'console-*-*-.log' -mtime +2 -delete If the executor is unable to reach port ``19885`` (for example due to firewall rules), or the ``zuul_console`` daemon can not be run for some other reason, the command to clean these spool files will not be processed and they may be left behind; on an ephemeral node this is not usually a problem, but on a static node these files will persist. In this situation, , Zuul can be instructed to not to create any spool files for ``shell`` and ``command`` tasks via setting ``zuul_console_disable: True`` (usually via a global host variable in inventory). Live streaming of ``shell`` and ``command`` calls will of course be unavailable in this case, but no spool files will be created.