:title: MQTT Driver MQTT ==== The MQTT driver supports reporters only. It is used to send MQTT message when items report. Message Schema -------------- An MQTT report uses this schema: .. attr:: .. attr:: action The reporter action name, e.g.: 'start', 'success', 'failure', 'merge-failure', ... .. attr:: tenant The tenant name. .. attr:: pipeline The pipeline name. .. attr:: project The project name. .. attr:: branch The branch name. .. attr:: change_url The change url. .. attr:: message The report message. .. attr:: change The change number. .. attr:: patchset The patchset number. .. attr:: commit_id The commit id number. .. attr:: owner The owner username of the change. .. attr:: ref The change reference. .. attr:: zuul_ref The internal zuul change reference. .. attr:: buildset The buildset information. .. value:: uuid The buildset global uuid. .. attr:: result The buildset result .. attr:: builds The list of builds. .. attr:: job_name The job name. .. attr:: voting The job voting status. .. attr:: uuid The build uuid (not present in start report). .. attr:: execute_time The build execute time. .. attr:: start_time The build start time (not present in start report). .. attr:: end_time The build end time (not present in start report). .. attr:: log_url The build log url (not present in start report). .. attr:: web_url The url to the build result page if :attr:`tenant.report-build-page` is enabled. The build log url otherwise (not present in start report). .. attr:: result The build results (not present in start report). Here is an example of a start message: .. code-block:: javascript { 'action': 'start', 'tenant': 'openstack.org', 'pipeline': 'check', 'project': 'sf-jobs', 'branch': 'master', 'change_url': 'https://gerrit.example.com/r/3', 'message': 'Starting check jobs.', 'trigger_time': '1524801056.2545864', 'enqueue_time': '1524801093.5689457', 'change': '3', 'patchset': '1', 'commit_id': '2db20c7fb26adf9ac9936a9e750ced9b4854a964', 'owner': 'username', 'ref': 'refs/changes/03/3/1', 'zuul_ref': 'Zf8b3d7cd34f54cb396b488226589db8f', 'buildset': { 'uuid': 'f8b3d7cd34f54cb396b488226589db8f', 'builds': [{ 'job_name': 'linters', 'voting': True }], }, } Here is an example of a success message: .. code-block:: javascript { 'action': 'success', 'tenant': 'openstack.org', 'pipeline': 'check', 'project': 'sf-jobs', 'branch': 'master', 'change_url': 'https://gerrit.example.com/r/3', 'message': 'Build succeeded.', 'trigger_time': '1524801056.2545864', 'enqueue_time': '1524801093.5689457', 'change': '3', 'patchset': '1', 'commit_id': '2db20c7fb26adf9ac9936a9e750ced9b4854a964', 'owner': 'username', 'ref': 'refs/changes/03/3/1', 'zuul_ref': 'Zf8b3d7cd34f54cb396b488226589db8f', 'buildset': { 'uuid': 'f8b3d7cd34f54cb396b488226589db8f', 'builds': [{ 'job_name': 'linters', 'voting': True 'uuid': '16e3e55aca984c6c9a50cc3c5b21bb83', 'execute_time': 1524801120.75632954, 'start_time': 1524801179.8557224, 'end_time': 1524801208.928095, 'log_url': 'https://logs.example.com/logs/3/3/1/check/linters/16e3e55/', 'web_url': 'https://tenant.example.com/t/tenant-one/build/16e3e55aca984c6c9a50cc3c5b21bb83/', 'result': 'SUCCESS', 'dependencies': [] }], }, } Connection Configuration ------------------------ .. attr:: .. attr:: driver :required: .. value:: mqtt The connection must set ``driver=mqtt`` for MQTT connections. .. attr:: server :default: localhost MQTT server hostname or address to use. .. attr:: port :default: 1883 MQTT server port. .. attr:: keepalive :default: 60 Maximum period in seconds allowed between communications with the broker. .. attr:: user Set a username for optional broker authentication. .. attr:: password Set a password for optional broker authentication. .. attr:: ca_certs A string path to the Certificate Authority certificate files to enable TLS connection. .. attr:: certfile A strings pointing to the PEM encoded client certificate to enable client TLS based authentication. This option requires keyfile to be set too. .. attr:: keyfile A strings pointing to the PEM encoded client private keys to enable client TLS based authentication. This option requires certfile to be set too. .. attr:: ciphers A string specifying which encryption ciphers are allowable for this connection. More information in this `openssl doc `_. Reporter Configuration ---------------------- A :ref:`connection` that uses the mqtt driver must be supplied to the reporter. Each pipeline must provide a topic name. For example: .. code-block:: yaml - pipeline: name: check success: mqtt: topic: "{tenant}/zuul/{pipeline}/{project}/{branch}/{change}" qos: 2 .. attr:: pipeline.. To report via MQTT message, the dictionaries passed to any of the pipeline :ref:`reporter` support the following attributes: .. attr:: topic The MQTT topic to publish messages. The topic can be a format string that can use the following parameters: ``tenant``, ``pipeline``, ``project``, ``branch``, ``change``, ``patchset`` and ``ref``. MQTT topic can have hierarchy separated by ``/``, more details in this `doc `_ .. attr:: qos :default: 0 The quality of service level to use, it can be 0, 1 or 2. Read more in this `guide `_