.. _static-driver: .. default-domain:: zuul Static Driver ------------- Selecting the static driver adds the following options to the :attr:`providers` section of the configuration. .. attr-overview:: :prefix: providers.[static] :maxdepth: 3 .. attr:: providers.[static] :type: list The static provider driver is used to define static nodes. .. note:: For documentation purposes the option names are prefixed ``providers.[static]`` to disambiguate from other drivers, but ``[static]`` is not required in the configuration (e.g. below ``providers.[static].pools`` refers to the ``pools`` key in the ``providers`` section when the ``static`` driver is selected). Example: .. code-block:: yaml providers: - name: static-rack driver: static pools: - name: main nodes: - name: trusty.example.com labels: trusty-static timeout: 13 connection-port: 22022 host-key: fake-key username: zuul max-parallel-jobs: 1 .. attr:: pools :type: list A pool defines a group of statically declared nodes. .. note:: When providing different labels, it is better to have one pool per label to avoid requests being queued when one label is at capacity. Each entry is a dictionary with entries as follows .. attr:: name :type: str :required: Pool name .. attr:: node-attributes :type: dict A dictionary of key-value pairs that will be stored with the node data in ZooKeeper. The keys and values can be any arbitrary string. .. attr:: nodes :type: list :required: Each entry indicates a static node and it's attributes. .. attr:: name :type: str :required: The hostname or ip address of the static node. The combination of ``name``, :attr:`providers.[static].pools.nodes.username`, and :attr:`providers.[static].pools.nodes.connection-port` must be unique across all nodes defined within the configuration file. .. attr:: labels :type: list :required: The list of labels associated with the node. .. attr:: host-key-checking :type: bool :default: True Specify custom behavior of validation of host connection. When set to False, nodepool-launcher will not scan the nodes before they are registered. This might be needed if nodepool-launcher and the static nodes are on isolated networks. The default value is True. .. attr:: timeout :type: int :default: 5 The timeout in second before the ssh ping is considered failed. .. attr:: connection-type :type: string :default: ssh The connection type that a consumer should use when connecting to the node. .. value:: winrm .. value:: ssh .. attr:: connection-port :type: int :default: 22 / 5986 The port that a consumer should use when connecting to the node. For most nodes this is not necessary. This defaults to 22 when ``connection-type`` is 'ssh' and 5986 when it is 'winrm'. .. attr:: host-key :type: str The ssh host key of the node. .. attr:: username :type: str :default: zuul The username nodepool will use to validate it can connect to the node. .. attr:: python-path :type: str :default: /usr/bin/python2 The path of the default python interpreter. Used by Zuul to set ``ansible_python_interpreter``. The special value ``auto`` will direct Zuul to use inbuilt Ansible logic to select the interpreter on Ansible >=2.8, and default to ``/usr/bin/python2`` for earlier versions. .. attr:: max-parallel-jobs :type: int :default: 1 The number of jobs that can run in parallel on this node.